Index to Zubis Frogfish pages - only English pages: 45 (or 47?) Frogfish species, their characteristics, colors and shapes, behavior, aggresiv mimikry, luring behavior, distribution, collection of frogfish photos, details of the lure, help in identification. Lots of photos and illustrations. Species: Allenichthys, Antennarius, Antennatus, Echinophryne, Histiophryne, Histrio, Kuiterichthys, Lophiocharon, Nudiantennarius, Phyllophryne, Rhycherus, Tathicarpus. Inhaltsverzeichnis von Zubis Anglerfisch-Seiten
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Keywords | starfish korallenriff riff koralle coralreef reef tauchen taucher diving scubadiving foto photo unterwasser kroetenfisch fuehlerfisch antennariidae antennarioidei lophiiformes tarnung farbwechsel saugfalle illicium frogfish anglerfisch anglerfish meerestiere fish fisch meer meeresbiologie angelfisch anglefish |
Sprache | deutsch |